Corio Bay Innovators Inc.

Organisation Details

Brief description

dal Café & Catering operates as a café and catering service.

The contribution we make to the community

dal's mission is to reduce disadvantage and increase the participation of young adults with disability to open employment and enable them as valued members of the broader community.
dal strives to provide leadership in building inclusive communities by fostering a culture that supports transition into full and equitable employment. dal models and facilitates inclusive, non-discriminatory employment practices. In 2011 dal received the Australian Disability Enterprise Excellence Award.

How supported employees and their families benefit

dal creates pathways for young adults with disability to either supported or open employment and increases their independent living skills and confidence to access community supports and activities. Our vision is to provide adults with disability to experience meaningful employment in a commercial environment.

Organisation contacts

Business Contact
Dana Kordic
Ph: 03 5229 3827

HR Contact
Jenny Freeman
Ph: 03 5229 3827

Outlets (1)

Outlet Details:

  • Name: dal Cafe & Catering
  • Address: 8 Little Ryrie St, Geelong, VIC, 3220 (view map)


  • Sales: Dana Kordic
  • Phone: 03 5229 3827
  • Email:
  • HR: Jenny Freeman
  • Phone: 03 5229 3827
  • Email:


  • Catering & Hospitality, All

Corio Bay Innovators Inc.